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Objects: Old Versus New

by Dallas 28. November 2011 11:44

Here are some examples of converted props.  Look at the difference the new lighting and shaders have on the environment.

comparisonPropsZabyLobby.jpg (807.65 kb)



Screenshots: Old Regions inside New Client

by Dallas 14. October 2011 10:02

The 3D Art Team has been working with Client Dev on creating a tool for converting regions used in the old virtual worlds into Unity scenes. Below are a few screen shots that compare old regions with the exported regions.  There is also a zip file with many more comparison screenshots of the old regions converted to Unity.

The tool essentially converted the old maps, duplicated the lights and created collision. The lighting for all the old maps needed adjustments so we went in to the new editor and started to modify the lights brightness so you can see region. Lighting in the new client is far superior and we haven't even put on Reflection, Bump Maps/Normal Maps, directional lights and dynamic shadows. In the Zaby Lobby photos you can see the new floor has a normal map/bump map attached to it which creates that bump in the texture to pop out.

High Resolution Images in Zip File

screenshots.zip (7.55 mb)


Sample Preview  Images

