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User Prop Submission Process

by Dallas 12. February 2013 11:37

Feb 28 will be the next preview and one of our biggest focus is the prop editor. With the launch of the prop editor we want to include user created objects into the Store. All props submitted will undergo a review process, you can find the guidelines and upload page in your social center. 


Best of luck and we look forwarded to seeing your submissions.


Make sure to Login to your Utherverse Account to gain access to the page.




Curio Technology Previews

by Elena 5. December 2012 15:34

Hi guys, 

As we are finally starting to see results of loooong months of back end work on the screen (yay!) we have decided to try putting little technology previews together once in a few months. The main goals of these previews will be to show the community of our legacy platform how things are coming together and to demo prototypes of things that the platform will make possible.

We will try our super best to make some videos and post then here for everyone to see. 




Happy birthday baby Curio!!!

by Elena 21. October 2012 11:26

We are happy to announce that our client now has a name and is called Curio. YAY!!!

